With 2022 as a reflection. Recreator 3D focused on reducing the overall size of the MK5Kit unit into something more form fitting for the everyday maker.
While making it more of a kit form and user friendly build. The MK6 Fun Size is easy to follow for even the first time kit builder. While working with Pultrusion as an overall method, we fell into wanting to expand over all into varying other options at our disposal to keep recycling within our homes to help reduce further carbon footprints. With the tops and bottoms of bottles as remains from the pultrusion process, as well left over scraps and failed rapid prototypes. We look into options to keep this waste at home and find affordable, safe and viable methods to reuse it ourselves.
We found a budget friendly shredder; that we turned a bit more robust, totaling under $800
We were gifted an Injection Molder Machine (a MK1), and later found
the BUSTER BEAGLE MK3 for under $800We tested the MK1 version.
We also found a Table Top Filament Extruder; The ARTME, for under $800
So though our original $1,500 budget has been slightly surpassed. We’re now in the range of $2,400.
We have a better idea of just where the current market is for units that are just above DIY range and within a KIT form. Not simply out of the box as we would like. We are just on the cusp of that market. Those machines in combination with what we are trying to accomplish for the average person to afford, far exceed the ranges of $10K -$30K for some combination of high grade commercial options.
The more it’s focused on; the cheaper, safer and more affordable It will become. With better ease out of the box operation we’ll start to see within the next decade. Just as we’re seeing home 3D printing on the cusp of being a decade old, recycling and repurposing our wasted filament is now in its own infancy. I look forward to seeing it grow within its own decade.
We also plan to branch out further into Recycle3D.xyz with some releases pertaining to paper waste and how to salvage it within the household without the need to ship it off like we have with our other items.