Get to Know Us
The Recreator3D Project started off as a very small personal build and grew into an unimaginable vast community of likeminded goal oriented individuals. Recreator3D Brand Ambassadors and Project Contributors have been crucial assets to why our branded build has become the community's favorite pultrusion unit within the RepRap Family.
Recreator3D focuses on reusing our aging 3DPrinter technologies and kits into new viable pultrusion units, giving old tech new life and giving you viable valuable 3D filament from your plastic waste!
Reduce, Reuse, Recreate!

- Recreator3D Founder & Creator
- Recreator3D Social Media Influence
- New England USA Recreator3D Ambassador
Joshua R. Taylor @jrt3d
With a desire to see less waste created and leaving our house, Josh set forward in 2021 starting The Recreator3D Project.
Josh has represented the project at varying RepRap Conventions and other Make Fairs.
Currently focused on expanding Recycling efforts with pultrusion, extrusion and shredding efforts.

Nick Jones
- Recreator3D MK2 / MK5 Financial Patron
- Recreator3D MK2 Revisions for MK3
- Recreator3D MK3 Firmware
Supporting The Recreator3D project from the start, Nick humbly followed Josh's antics befriending him after contributions to his M3D Support Group.
We can thank Nick for his main contributions towards the initial MK3 firmware, as well being a patron in helping to finance the beta MK5Kit: Ender 3 build.

- Recreator3D Resident Project Representative
- Recreator3D Discord Moderator
- Recreator3D Bottledex Server Manager
- Midwest USA Recreator3D Ambassador
Nathaniel Dickerson @HAL_9000
Recreator3D "Midwest USA" software engineer with over 20 years of CAD design experience.
Dedicated to making an impact in the recycling community, I joined the the Recreator3D community on a recommendation of one of the members and have been totally amazed by the scope and depth of the Recreator community.
Current antics include but not limited to micro plastic shredder designs "ChopSuey9000", assisting Discord management, software and '90's nostalgia whims.

- Recreator3D Discord Admin
- East Coast USA Recreator3D Ambassador @ ERRF2023
- College Club Manager (Involving Recreator3D)
Christen Petersen @zefoxii
President of his "3d printing and modeling" 3D printer Club at Eastern FLorida College Melbourne campus, with upwards to 40+ members with a consistent 10 in house members.
Chris runs and maintains Reccreator3D's Discord Group as well attending and helping our at as ERRF Ambassador.

- UK Recreator3D Ambassador @ SMRRF
- Recreator3D Discord Moderator
- Recreator3D IT Management
Doug @DreamsVoid
Dedicated to printing a PrintABlok from his PrintABlock Printer.
Follow his antics and say Hi to him at Europe's Hottest 3D Printing Festival, SMRRF2024!

- West Coast USA Recreator3D Ambassador @ RMRRF
- Recreator3D Project Expansion Coordinator
Bill @BuzzKillBillZ
Built his first rPET1 filament maker (Recreator3D MK5) in the summer of 2023 and have been collecting bottles and pulling his own filament ever since.
Attended his first “RepRap” festival (RMRRF) in the spring of 2024 as a member of the Recreator3D team and was instantly hooked!
After getting home from RMRRF 2024, immediately put a reservation in my calendar for RMRRF 2025.

A maker, tinker, streamer, and content creator, Ace has been 3D printing for over a decade. Ever since he started printing, he has been struck by how much waste is generated and what opportunity that provides for recycling. Recently, he has begun to post content related to his maker activities among his other videos. You can find Ace’s content on YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, etc. at
For specific ReCreator projects look to his build video and playlist of ReCreator videos and Shorts
- YouTube Recreator3D Promotor
- Midwest USA Recreator3D Ambassador
@ MRRF2024 & 3DPrintopia 2024
ACE @aceganghub