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  • JRT

Make: Volume 88 - Digital Fabrication 2024

Updated: May 1

In January 2022, I wrote into MAKE Magazine about PET Pultrusion

and The Recreator 3D.

To much delight, I heard back in October after ERRF2022!

I was asked to write a paragraph or two and that turned into many pages later.

I wasn't 100% sure how it would “unfold”, but was told to keep an eye out in the future!

FASTWORD to March 2024

Josh @ with is officially published!



By: Joshua R. Taylor

Make your own filament from recycled PET soda bottles — using salvaged printer parts. Page 52 Please order your copy of Issue 88 while physical supplies last.

You can also order a digital copy.

Stay Tuned - I will share the article to the website after the First Quarter of 2024.

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